The Kikot-Mbebe hydroelectric project is the result of a strengthened collaboration between the State of Cameroon and the EDF Group. This ambitious project, which builds on the success achieved with the Nachtigal dam, aims to reinforce Cameroon's energy infrastructure, while addressing the socio-economic and environmental challenges of the country and the sub-region.

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Strengthening Cameroon's energy infrastructure
The Kikot-Mbebe Hydro Power Company (KHPC) is responsible for the design, development, construction, and operation of the Kikot-Mbebe hydroelectric facility on the Sanaga River, with an installed capacity of 500 MW. The company was formed by the owners of this ambitious project, the State of Cameroon and the EDF Group, who are equal shareholders. The Kikot-Mbebe hydroelectric facility aims to construct structures on the Sanaga River to produce electrical energy, in compliance with environmental and social requirements. The production structures mainly include:
- A 35-meter-high and 1,200-meter-long reservoir dam;
- A power plant equipped with 6 turbines;
- A 400-kilovolt (kV) extra-high-voltage transmission line, 40 km long, connecting the power plants to the RIS connection point in Boumnyebel.
Of installed capacity
Launch of the first construction works
+ 3500
Jobs during construction

- November 26, 2019 – Treaty Protocol
- June 25, 2021 - Development Agreement with the Government of Cameroon
- 2022 – 2025 - Technical and environmental studies; industrial setup
- 2026 - Financial closing; start of construction
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A large-scale, responsible, and sustainable project to address Cameroon's energy and development challenges
We are developing renewable energy with low greenhouse gas emissions. We are committed to avoiding, reducing, or compensating for the project's negative impacts on environmental and social aspects.