Primary schools in the project impact area and those located in the immediate vicinity have received support in the form of textbooks and various teaching materials. Ceremonies were held on January 7th and 8th, 2025, in the districts of Nguibassal, Nyanon, Bot-makak, Monatélé, and Evodoula. In the presence of administrative and municipal authorities, students, and local populations, a total of 19 primary schools received this equipment, which included books, slates and chalk, pens and notebooks, reams of paper, and sanitation kits.
This operation aims to strengthen the capacities of these schools as part of the socio-economic development initiatives spurred by the Kikot-Mbebe hydroelectric development project. Through this support, KHPC aims to contribute to reducing inequalities in schools, increasing the number of students with the necessary school supplies, reducing absenteeism due to lack of supplies, and boosting student motivation and engagement in learning.
This action, in support of national education and the Sustainable Development Goals, prioritizes the quality of schooling and the development of communities impacted by the hydroelectric development currently underway in these localities.