EDF is putting its experience and technical expertise in major hydroelectric projects to use in addressing Cameroon's main energy challenges.
major hydroelectric projects, one of which is under construction and scheduled to be commissioned in 2024, the other is under development.
MW of hydroelectric production capacity by 2030.
Nachtigal Hydroelectric Scheme
The project site is located 70 km north-east of the capital Yaoundé. The dam, built on the Sanaga River, will be 1.455 km long and the headrace channel will be 3.3 km long. With an installed capacity of 420 MW, Nachtigal will be the most powerful electricity generating facility in Cameroon.
Kikot hydroelectric scheme
EDF is developing a second hydroelectric project with the Government of Cameroon, at Kikot on the Sanaga River. The Kikot project will help the country to benefit from sufficient, reliable and renewable electricity to support the development of its society and economy.

EDF hydro's Hydraulic Engineering Centre, the key partner for your hydroelectric projects in Cameroon
Our role is to support the success of the hydraulic projects of our customers, both public and private.
Our ambition is always to optimise the performance and safety of your installations, while respecting environmental regulations.
Our hydraulic engineering experts have been working in France for more than 70 years on EDF's existing power plants Their expertise is also deployed internationally. Dams, hydraulic and hydroelectric power plants, factories, penstocks, dykes and pumped water transfer stations, we cover the entire spectrum of hydraulic engineering.
We adopt an innovative approach to the development of renewable energies.
Our engineers and technicians provide advice, studies and/or actual construction, wherever and whenever you need them.
Our expertise
Design and construction of hydroelectric facilities
O&M (operation & maintenance)
Integration of intermittent renewable energies