of the population is not connected to the electricity grid.
2.3 million
households do not have access to electricity in Cameroon.
15 years
of experience in off-grid.
1 million
off-grid customers by 2030.

Stand-alone solar kits
In 2020, EDF partnered with upOwa and Solkamtech, two Cameroonian companies specialising in the distribution of stand-alone solar kits, to market 300 solar systems manufactured by the German company Solarworx. The aim of this pilot project is to promote sustainable energy to households and services outside the distribution network.

Mini grid: technical solutions to improve access to energy for populations not connected to the electricity grid
Today, nearly 45% of the population has no access to electricity in Cameroon. One of EDF's objectives is to support the government and local authorities in their electrification efforts.
Using its technical know-how, EDF plans to develop, build and operate various types of renewable energy production plants outside the electricity grid (solar, biogas, hydroelectric).