These custodians of tradition have participated in the consultation process initiated by KHPC, with the support of the African Traditional Chiefs Network (RECTRAD), with the aim of identifying and preserving the intangible cultural heritage of communities directly impacted by the Kikot-Mbebe hydroelectric development project.
In addition to these traditional chiefs, patriarchs and initiates from the Bassa'a, Bisso'o and Eton communities have been involved in these consultations on sacred sites and ancestral practices. The approach has been marked by field visits and interviews with these local stakeholders, in order to better understand the cultural challenges associated with the project, to identify sacred sites and traditional practices to be preserved, and to develop an action plan to ensure the sustainability of the communities' cultural heritage.
By involving the communities and preserving the local cultural heritage in the implementation of the project, KHPC aims to foster a harmonious coexistence between economic development and respect for local traditions.